Grant Application

All applicants must submit applications on-line.

Please Refer to the Online Application System Guide when submitting your proposal.

Applicants reapplying for continued support are required to submit an interim progress report with all requests for funding.

Proposal Deadlines:

• October 1 for Active Learning
• February 1 for Family Partnering in Early Education
• July 1 for an Employment and Self-Sufficiency

Geographic Area:

Grants are restricted to organizations serving Metro Boston communities within Route 128.

Organization Eligibility:

Organizations must be designated as tax exempt under Section 501 (c)(3) of the IRS Code and must be classified as “not a private foundation” under Section 509 (a) of the Code.

Organizational and Program Size:

The foundation seeks to support organizations where a small grant will make a meaningful contribution toward the development of a program or organization. Grant requests for $10,000 toward a program budget of $150,000 or from organization with an annual budget of $1 million, for example, are typically ranked a higher priority than requests to support a $300,000 program from large organizations with relatively strong fundraising capacity and many sources of funding.

Grant Range:

The foundation expects to make 20-30 grants per year ranging from $10,000 to $25,000.

Types of Support:

Most of the foundation’s grantmaking will support programs providing direct services. It will only consider requests for general operating support when an organization’s primary goals are in direct alignment with the foundation’s mission. The foundation makes occasional multi-year grants at its discretion but does not solicit requests for multi-year funding.

Frequency of Application:

The foundation will consider only one application from an organization in any calendar year.

Reporting Requirements:

All organizations must include detailed, written progress reports with each subsequent application to the foundation.


Organizations whose requests for funding have been denied are expected to wait one full year before being reconsidered for support.


The foundation does not normally support:

• individuals
• national organization
• capital campaigns, endowments or fundraising activities
• conferences
• websites
• research
• municipal, state or federal agencies
• religious instruction or worship services
• health programs
• community organizing/public policy advocacy
• grants to replace government funding
• private schools, parochial schools, public schools, including pilot and charter schools
• school-based programs, tutoring programs or college access programs
• treatment and recovery programs
• summer camps or short-term or seasonal programs for children and youth
• criminal justice or re-entry programs
• family stabilization or crisis intervention programs
• mentoring, case management, social services
• college access programs